Sunday, December 16, 2007

Staying Healthy during the Holiday Travel Season

These travel tips are good year round, but there's no better time to start than now. Be healthy when you travel to see your family during this Holiday Season. Thanks to Jim, Judy, Wendy, and Steve for these. Keep checking back here. I will add more healthy travel tips as they come in.

  • take your vitamins before, during, and after your trip. Have some water with an Airborne or Emergen-C. Both help to boost the immune system with vitamin C and other vitamins and minerals needed to fight infection.
  • before a flight put some antibacterial ointment on a cotton swab and coat your nostrils with it to combat germs from any fellow passengers who are coughing and sneezing
  • keep a bottle of water in your briefcase/purse so you'll remember to stay hydrated
  • stretch during your flight and in your hotel room at night
  • scope out restaurant websites at your destination before you go to find some healthy options.
  • try to get a little more sleep than you would normally get at home
  • (when in a reasonably safe city) walk from hotel to wherever you're going - you get to see the city a bit and get some exercise.
  • exercise in your room or the hotel's gym

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Healthy Skin Tips for Cooler Weather

  • Use a thicker moisturizer when the air is less humid in the winter months
  • Drink at least 10 glasses of water per day. It increases the hydration of our tissues, helping the skin stay smooth and supple.
  • Improve your skin's health from the inside out by eating more fruits and veggies.
  • Take a daily multivitamin
  • Avoid tobacco and alcohol. Both rob vitamins from the body. Smoking also releases free radicals into the system, while alcohol's dehydrating effects further damage the skin.
  • Wear a sunscreen with an SPF of at least 20. Many makeup products now incorporate sucscreen, so you can save time and protect your skin all at once.
  • Reduce stress. In addition to detrimental effects on the immune system, stress shows in the skin, making it appear dull and lifeless.
  • Get a professional facial once a month

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Why wax and how to find a good waxer

Waxing is one of the best ways to remove hair because it is removed at the root, not just cut of at the skin's surface as it is in shaving. Over time, hair in waxed areas may not grow back at all, or if it does, the hair is thinner. Any part of the body may be waxed. The results last 2-4 weeks after the first waxing and usually 4-6 weeks after several monthly treatments depending on your individual rate of hair growth.

To avoid some of the horror stories discussed in a previous post, here are some questions to ask when looking for someone to wax you.
  • ask your friends who they go to. a personal referral is always a good way to find the right waxer
  • ask what kind of wax they use - if you're getting a leg or back wax, the soft strip wax is usually used. for a bikini, underarm, face, or other sensitive area, hard wax is best because it hardens around the hair and doesn't stick to the skin.
  • ask the person how long they have been practicing
  • ask how many of the waxing services the person does in a week

Once you find someone, let the waxer know about any medications you are taking and any allergies you have. These may effect whether or not it will be safe to wax you or what after care products are used. Aftercare is very important, so don't forget to ask your waxer what you should do to maintain smooth healthy skin after waxing.

Visit the detailed list of FAQ's here

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

What is Lymph Drainage Therapy

Lymph Drainage Therapy (LDT) is a massage modality that focuses on the health of the lymphatic system by stimulating the lymphatic flow. The therapist works with flat hands using wave-like movements to move the lymphatc fluid.

The lymphatic system mainly helps the body filter out toxins and maintain a healthy immune system. Unlike the circulatory system, which uses the pumping of the heart to circulate its blood flow, lymph vessels rely upon hundreds of tiny muscular units contracting throughout the body to propel the lymph. The action of these muscular units can be hindered or stopped due to fatigue, stress, lack of physical activity, infections, swelling, chemicals, or food additives. When lymph circulation stagnates, fluids, proteins, and toxins accumulate, and cellular functioning is significantly compromised.

LDT is beneficial in many conditions and is a great preventative tool. Some of the conditions LDT helps to correct are swelling, lymphedema, relief of painful scar tissue, and reduction in symptoms of fibromyalgia. For general health, LDT helps to detoxify the body, encourage relaxation, and is useful pre and post surgery to decrease recovery time.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

waxing horror stories

Yesterday, someone said they would love to hear some of my waxing horror stories. The most common thing I hear is use of the wrong type of wax on a sensitive area. A couple of years ago, I was in California for most of a month because of a relative's illness and death. During this time, I made an appointment at a local salon for a waxing. When I got there I was surprised to find out that they planned to use soft wax (with strips) and not hard wax for my underarm and brazilian wax. This can work sometimes if the technician is skilled, but in this case, my underarms were left raw and I couldn't wear deodorant for a week. I did stop the esthetician when the waxing didn't feel like it should have, but it was too late. The brazilian hurt more than it should have, but there was no permanent damage done there. The moral of the story is: always ask what type of wax your esthetician will be using and how much experience they have.

anyone out there have a waxing horror story you want to share?

Friday, September 21, 2007

Why should you get a therapeutic massage?

Everybody needs massage. It helps to relax you, reduce stress, and improves your general health. There are several types of therapeutic massage. Swedish massage is the one you would typically get at your neighborhood day spa. In this case, your massage therapist will gently manipulate your muscles to improve circulation and remove areas of tension. I find that most clients hold stress in their neck and shoulders probably because they spend a lot of time on the computer or driving in some of the worst traffic in the country. Even a half hour massage can help to relax a tired neck and shoulders, but most people will get a full hour so the therapist can work on the whole body.
Once a week is the ideal frequency of massage. Every two weeks is what many of my massage clients are able to easily work into their schedules. Monthly is the minimum recommended, but when you get massage that infrequently, you probably won't see much improvement in your condition.
So, take some time out for yourself and get a massage.