Tuesday, October 2, 2007

What is Lymph Drainage Therapy

Lymph Drainage Therapy (LDT) is a massage modality that focuses on the health of the lymphatic system by stimulating the lymphatic flow. The therapist works with flat hands using wave-like movements to move the lymphatc fluid.

The lymphatic system mainly helps the body filter out toxins and maintain a healthy immune system. Unlike the circulatory system, which uses the pumping of the heart to circulate its blood flow, lymph vessels rely upon hundreds of tiny muscular units contracting throughout the body to propel the lymph. The action of these muscular units can be hindered or stopped due to fatigue, stress, lack of physical activity, infections, swelling, chemicals, or food additives. When lymph circulation stagnates, fluids, proteins, and toxins accumulate, and cellular functioning is significantly compromised.

LDT is beneficial in many conditions and is a great preventative tool. Some of the conditions LDT helps to correct are swelling, lymphedema, relief of painful scar tissue, and reduction in symptoms of fibromyalgia. For general health, LDT helps to detoxify the body, encourage relaxation, and is useful pre and post surgery to decrease recovery time.

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