Friday, September 21, 2007

Why should you get a therapeutic massage?

Everybody needs massage. It helps to relax you, reduce stress, and improves your general health. There are several types of therapeutic massage. Swedish massage is the one you would typically get at your neighborhood day spa. In this case, your massage therapist will gently manipulate your muscles to improve circulation and remove areas of tension. I find that most clients hold stress in their neck and shoulders probably because they spend a lot of time on the computer or driving in some of the worst traffic in the country. Even a half hour massage can help to relax a tired neck and shoulders, but most people will get a full hour so the therapist can work on the whole body.
Once a week is the ideal frequency of massage. Every two weeks is what many of my massage clients are able to easily work into their schedules. Monthly is the minimum recommended, but when you get massage that infrequently, you probably won't see much improvement in your condition.
So, take some time out for yourself and get a massage.

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